Eesti Akadeemilise Täiendusõppe Koostöövõrgustik
Estonian Network for University Continuing Education (ENUCE)
was established in 30 January 2001 in Tartu as an informal and voluntary union of continuing education specialists of Estonian universities.
The network consist of the members of all six public universities, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, TTK University of Applied Sciences and it acts through
meetings twice a year (the leading role is rotating);
e-mailing list for sharing information and holding discussion;
common activities that are agreed on for each year (task forces with appointed leaders and responsible teams for certain time).
The aims of the network are:
to promote the idea of important role of the UCE in Estonian Universities through
co-operation among universities’ management and academic staff,
joint conferences and seminars;
to enhance staff development in
open and distance teaching,
adult and continuing education,
joint courses and publications;
to facilitate joint activities focused on the development of Quality Assurance Systems in UCE;
to facilitate links between UCE and society.