Eesti Akadeemilise Täiendusõppe Koostöövõrgustik

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) is an educational, creative and research and development institution, which provides education in areas related to music and the theatre on the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree levels as well as continuing education. As a public university, the task of EAMT is to provide services for society in its areas of activity based on educational, research and creative activity and to prepare university students for being responsible citizens who are capable of taking the initiative in life. In its activity, EAMT proceeds from the precondition that one of the primary objectives of Estonia as a country is the preservation of the Estonian language and culture. As Estonia’s leading institution for music and theatre education, EAMT is directly responsible for the present and future of these disciplines.

Proceeding from the model of learning society and the legal basis for lifelong learning, established by the state, the Continuing Education Centre of the EAMT becomes an institution that realises the continual training of adult musicians.

 This is achieved by the following means:

  • planning of short courses, based on the results of public demand enquiries, is continued;
  • purposeful long-term training programmes are carried out;
  • the activities of the Open University as a form of qualification training are realised;
  • flexible responding to all kinds of educational needs is guaranteed;
  • creation of study materials is continued;
  • training of academic instructors is continued;
  • collaboration with different partners, including principal employers, is continued;
  • extramural training is introduced in subject fields in which this study form is applicable;
  • high quality is guaranteed for courses, training programmes, study programmes, the study process and the study environment.


Contact person:

Ene Kangron

Head of Continuing Education Centre

Phone: +372 667 5761


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