Eesti Akadeemilise Täiendusõppe Koostöövõrgustik

Tallinn University

Tallinn University is an innovative and academically enriching university. It is acknowledged both locally and internationally for its role as a centre for science and education.

More than 9,000 students, including 500 foreign students, are enrolled in Tallinn University’s bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes. Approximately 15,000 people also participate in further education and Open University studies each year.

From the 1st of September 2015 Tallinn University incorporates six schools and two colleges. By focusing resources and activities we aim to develop five interdisciplinary research-based focus fields: educational innovation, digital and media culture, cultural competences, healthy and sustainable lifestyle, society and open governance.

More information:

Contakt person:

Sirli Peda

Head of Training and Conference Centre

Phone: +372 887 0775


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